Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Quick Trip to China Before Naptime

Today, Sasha picked up Ben's video game timer, pushed some buttons, replaced the timer, fixed her eyes on me, and calmly explained, "Today in two, three minutes we go get Mei Mei. I want go get Mei Mei. I be big sister."

We don't really know how much Sasha understands about our quest for her sister. Mei Mei is alternately Sasha's Kai-Lan doll, Kai-Lan herself when viewed on, and, very occasionally, Sasha's sister. But then Sash will knock me over with some statement about going to get Mei Mei and I think... maybe, just maybe, her little heart understands a bit about what's going on. Maybe God's preparing her for this new adventure.

Regardless, I'll treasure Sasha's sweet and wistful moments for her sister as they come. I'm glad I'm not the only Morningstar gal waiting impatiently for Mei Mei.

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