Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ride 'em Cowgirl, part 2

Sasha's riding lessons continue, although the fact that we've been posting about her equestrian lifestyle for months is a little misleading.

Actually, this Friday was only her third lesson.  Various thunderstorms, illnesses, and busy schedules have impeded the finishing of our 4-lesson pack, but a lesson a month seems to be a fine pace for Sash and she's having a blast, so it's hard to feel too bad about the delays.

This week Sash got to ride Bucky the Big Horse rather than Simon the Pony.  It was a big deal for my big girl.  I'll admit that my heart skipped a beat when I saw these pictures of her cantering on such a giant animal, but my fears were quelled after hearing Sasha's rapturous description of cantering on Bucky "all by herself".

She's not always sweet, not always gentile, but you have to admit that our gal is always, always up for an adventure!

It's like my friend Susan posted to Facebook last week about her own spirited child: It's much better to rein in a bronco than to drag an elephant.  I think that's the right perspective - here's to all you bronco-reigning (and bronco-loving) parents out there!

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